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Weekly Market Commentary

Weekly Market Commentary – 10/21/2022 -Darren Leavitt, CFA Investors enjoyed a nice rally as Fed rhetoric suggested a less hawkish policy path. The rhetoric was backed by Nick Timiraos, a Fed pundit, who published an article in the Wall Street Journal that...

7 Things Singles Nearing Retirement Should Know

Your needs are unique if you are divorced, widowed or never married Ah, the single life. You can do as you like. There’s no need to deal with a spouse who has opposing views, a different vision of retirement. A spouse who spends too little or too much, or has...


By Andy Ives, CFP®, AIF® IRA Analyst Follow Us on Twitter: @theslottreport SECURE Act regulations shoved the required beginning date (RBD) to the front of the stage. No longer can the RBD hide from the bright lights. What was once somewhat of a minor date in people’s...

Weekly Market Commentary

Weekly Market Commentary – 10/14/2022 -Darren Leavitt, CFA Capital markets continued to be extremely volatile.  All eyes were on the US Consumer Price Index (CPI) print on Thursday, which showed no signs of inflation moderating.  The headline number increased by...